
9th Emirates International Neurosurgical Conference, Dubai, 02-04 February, 2024
Februarie 2024Welcome Messages
Dr. Mohammed Al Olama
President of the Conference
President of the Emirates Society of Neurological Surgeons and Gulf Neurosurgical Society
General secretary of Arab Pediatric Neurosurgical Society and Treasurer of Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgery.
In addition to the delegates of these societies, we have the privilege to welcome a distinguished group of keynote speakers that are internationally well known for their expertise.
This year, two preconference courses will precede our annual congress.
"Future Perspectives in Neurosurgery" will be the conference theme this year, offering the opportunity for an update on every neurosurgical subspecialty.
In addition to a promising scientific event that will certainly enrich Your knowledge and baggage of professional experience, you will have the chance to visit one of the most amazing cities in the world; Dubai has transformed once again and will certainly mesmerize You with her incredible, bustling rhythm.
We look forward to learning from Your experience and welcoming You in Dubai!