Neurochirurgie Timișoara

Clinica de Neurochirurgie din Timișoara este un centru regional în care se rezolvă patologia cerebrală și spinală, tumorală, vasculară și traumatică, la adulti și copii. Totodată este un centru de pregatire universitar și postuniversitar.

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Clinica de Neurochirurgie din Timisoara este un centru regional in care se rezolva patologia cerebrala.

Clinica de Neurochirurgie Timisoara pretuieste si respecta intimitatea ta. Pentru mai multe informatii, citeste Politica de confidentialitate.


7th Middle East Spine Congress

7th Middle East Spine Congress

Octombrie 2024

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are delighted to invite to the 7th Middle East Spine Congress in conjunction with the 1st Monastir International Spine Conference, in Monastir, Tunisia between October 24-26th 2024.

The conference is planned to discuss hot spine topics and teach young spine surgeons. It will be a platform for us to learn from the experts in the field on the practical aspects of treating various disorders of the spine. The main topics of the meeting are spinal deformities, minimally invasive spine surgery, and other spinal disorders. You will meet world-known spine experts  Dr.Edward C.Benzel, Dr. Douglas Orr, Dr. Atul Goel, Dr. Richard Assaker during the meeting.

Regisration and abstract submission are open on the web site

We welcome you to this conference.

Dr. Onur Yaman
President of the Middle East Spine Society

Dr. Mehdi Darmoul
President of the Tunisian Neurosurgical Society

Dr. Mehmet Zileli
Honorary President of the Middle East Spine Society

Yahya Guvenc
Congress Secretary

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