
11th Annual EANS Vascular Section Meeting,
Septembrie 2024Welcome
Dear Colleagues,
Following the success of the previous annual meetings, on behalf of the Committee Panel of the EANS Vascular Section we invite you to participate in the 11th Annual EANS Vascular Section Meeting, which will again take place in Marseille, France from Thursday 5th to Friday 6th of September 2024.
The meeting is being held in conjunction with the annual ESMINT Congress. Joint EANS/ESMINT sessions, also featuring a number of prominent speakers from both Europe and the US, will be organised again and we encourage as many as possible of you to support and attend these joint meetings as well.
To provide a platform for as many as possible of our members to present their own work, the majority of the programme will therefore again be devoted to oral presentations of submitted abstracts and to plenary discussions.
Participate in a truly interdisciplinary platform for neurosurgeons, neurointerventionalists, neuroradiologists, neurologists, and others who are interested in the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases.
With best wishes,
Jeroen Boogaarts, Andreas Gruber and Nikolay Velinov, 2024 Vascular Section Meeting Organisers
Marco Cenzato, Chair, EANS Vascular Section